Speech Work: Intensifiers: Distinguish between ‘Very’ and ‘so’ on the hand and ‘very’ and ‘Quite’ on the other use of intensifiers

Week:- 11

Topic: Speech Work: Intensifiers: Distinguish between ‘Very’ and ‘so’ on the hand and ‘very’ and ‘Quite’ on the other use of intensifiers

Reading: Teaching of new words, meaning and Comprehension

Structure: Reading simple materials on the Organization of formal gatherings.Grammar: Composition of adverb

Writing: Write informal letters features of informal Letters

Verbal Aptitude

Objective:- At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:-

1. State the features of an informal letter

2. Write some new words and their meaning

Reference material:- Nigeria Primary English for Pupil's book 6 Learn Africa New Edition by O. Adams and Others.


Writing: Write informal letters features of informal Letters

Address: The details of the place where someone lives or works, which you use to send them letters.

First name: The.... View More

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