Student should be able to:1. Give the botanical classification of plants2. Give the agricultural classification of plants3. Classify plants based on life cycle
Student should be able to:1. Explain the effect of agricultural practices such as bush burning on ecosystem2. Explain the effect of different types of farming methods on ecosystem
Student should be able to:1. Give the role of government in agricultural production2. Give methods of food preservation and storage3. Lists ways to improve crop yield
Student should be able to:1. Give the classification of microorganisms2. Discuss the beneficial and harmful effects of microorganisms3. List the measures in the control and prevention of diseases caused by microorganisms
Student should be able to:1. Give the types of digestive system2. Describe the parts of the alimentary tract3. Give the functions of parts of the alimentary tract
Student should be able to:1. Define and list the types of aquatic habitats2. Gives the characteristics of aquatic habitats3. Explain the food chain and food web in aquatic habitats
Student should be able to:1. Define and list the types of terrestrial habitats2. Gives the characteristics of terrestrial habitats3. Explain the food chain and food web in terrestrial habitats