WEEK 7PRIMARY 6THEME – MORAL ASPECTS OF DRUG EDUCATIONTOPIC: DRUG LAWS ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES Agencies Responsible for Enforcing Drugs Functions of Drugs Laws Enforcement AgenciesPERFORMANCE OBJECTIVESBy the end of the lesson, the pupils should have attained the following objectives (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) and be able to name agencies responsible for the enforcement of drug laws.ENTRY BEHAVIOR: The pupils are familiar with the topic.INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSThe teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of posters, newspapers, documentaries, films, and community resources.CONTENTINTRODUCTIONDrug trafficking is a serious problem in Nigeria. The government has taken various steps in the fight against drug barons and trafficking. Some of them are the establishment of agencies that will be responsible for enforcing drug laws.