FURTHER MATHEMATICS SSS2 FIRST TERMWEEK 9GRAPHS OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONContentsThe graph of the followings will be considered(a) y = sinѳ, 0◦ ≤ ѳ ≤ 360◦(b) y = cosѳ, 0◦ ≤ ѳ ≤ 360◦(c) y = tanѳ, 0◦ ≤ ѳ ≤ 360◦The graph of y = sinѳ, ѳ◦ ≤ ѳ ≤ 360◦On the graph sheet, draw a long horizontal axis in the middle. Mark a point 0’, 3cm to the left of the origin 0. With centre 0’ draw a circle of radius 2cm. Draw a vertical axis through 0. Call the horizontal axis ѳ – axis and the vertical axis y–axis.