Introduction to Storytelling 5
Week: 8
Topic: Introduction to Storytelling
Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
1. create or make up a short story
Instructional material/Reference material: Stories in a book. Illustrations of characters in the story, television, videotapes and C.Ds
Once upon a time, there was a small town. There lived a man by himself who couldn’t see. He was blind. Yet, he carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went out at night.
One night as he was coming home after having dinner outside, he came across a group of young travellers. They saw that he was blind, yet carrying a lighted lamp. They started passing comments on him and made fun of him. One of them asked him, “Hey Man! You are blind and can’t see anything! Why do you carry the lamp then?!”
The blind man replied, “Yes, unfortunately, I am blind and.... View More
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