Food Group II

Week: 6th

Class: Primary 3

Topic: Food Group

Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. identify the sources of vitamin C and the consequences of its deficiency.

2. identify the sources of vitamin D and the consequences of its deficiency

3. mention the functions of the above-mentioned vitamins.

4. identify their deficiencies: The lack of vitamins in a balanced diet could cause the body to be

Reference material:

1. Charts. 2. Posters. 3. Pictures 4. Chalkboard


Sources Vitamin C.

Vitamin C can be obtained from Fresh citrus, Fruits lime, Oranges, Lemon, pawpaw, mango, watermelon, pineapple, and strawberries. E.t.c


Whole body: fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, or malaise

Mouth: bleeding gums or tooth loss

Skin: rashes or red spots

Also common: bruising, coiled hair, failure to thrive, irritability, muscle weakness, swollen gums, or weight loss. Symptoms may.... View More

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