

Subject Scheme & Timeline:

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Week 1 & 2TOPIC: Origin and Location of the Ancient Mali EmpireObjectivesAt the end of this chapter, students should be able to:1. state the origin of the ancient Mali Empire and identify its location on the map of Africa;2. describe the socio-economic and socio-political structures of the ancient Mali Empire;3. explain the factors that led to the rise of the ancient Mali Empire; and4 explain the factors that led to the fall of the ancient Mali Empire.
Week 3 & 4TOPIC: Socio-Political Structure of the Ancient Mali EmpireThe ancient Mali Empire operated a form of constitutional monarchy. It was ruled by a supreme leader who bore the title, Mansa. The empire was very large and had many groups of people with different social status, cultures and languages. After Sundiata Keita conquered the Susu and some other territories, Mali which was formerly comprised of Niani, Mema, Wagadou and twelve other territories called the twelve doors of Mali submitted power to Keita and his descendants because the people admired his military prowess and also feared for their kingdoms.
Week 5 & 6TOPIC: SOCIO-ECONOMIC STRUCTURE OF THE ANCIENT MALI EMPIRESince the empire was twice the size of the ancient Ghana Empire, the ancient Mali Empire's socio-economic activities were more diversified. They included agriculture, trade, education, banking, arts and entertainment.
Week 7 & 8TOPIC: Socio-Religious Activities of the Ancient Mali EmpireBefore Islam became the predominant religion of the ancient Mali Empire, the people blended Islamic culture with traditional religion. Their traditional beliefs included ancestors' veneration, worship of many gods, belief in the spiritual and supernatural, the healing power of roots, herbs and leaves, belief in the protection, favour and wrath of their gods, prophecy, use of amulets, charms, voodoo, etc.
Week 9TOPIC: Factors that Led to the Rise of the Ancient Mali EmpireThe rise of the ancient Mali Empire was unexpected as smaller kingdoms such as Susu, under the former Ghana Empire tried to rise and fill the political void left by the ancient Ghana Empire. For an empire, twice the size of the ancient Ghana Empire, a lot of factors contributed to the rise of the ancient Mali Empire and they are:
Week 10TOPIC: Factors that Led to the Fall of the Ancient Mali EmpireThe ancient Mali Empire was very powerful but after so many years, it began to grow weak until it finally fell around 1600AD. Some of the factors that led to the fall of this empire are:1. Bad rulership: Some of the rulers were not meeting the needs of the people of the empire. Checks and balances were ignored by some of the later Mansas who tried to adopt absolute control over the empire.

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