Purchase, Supply, and Merchandizing of goods and services

Marketing S.S.S 3 First Term


Purchase, Supply, and Merchandizing of goods and services

Performance Objectives

Students should be able to:

1. Explain Purchase and supply of goods and services


1. Purchase and supply of goods and services


Purchase and Supply of Goods and Services

 In every well established business organisation, there is purchasing and supply unit or department, other address it as procurement unit ,their functions centre around purchasing and supply the right quality and quantity of materials at the right time, un the right quantity from the source at the right place to the right place. They also monitor market prices not only of the product's materials purchased but also of significant raw materials used in their organisation.

Equally, they monitor suppliers' prices, providing information or imminent price changes, participate in organisational planning, policy and decision making, supply the company regularly with raw materials.... View More

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