Generating energy

WEEK: 10


SUBTOPIC: Generating energy

        Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

 State how energy can be generated




Chemical - Chemical energy comes from atoms and molecules and how they interact.

Electrical - Electrical energy is generated by the movement of electrons.

Gravitational - Large objects such as the Earth and the Sun create gravity and gravitational energy.

Heat - Heat energy is also called thermal energy. It comes from molecules of different temperatures interacting.

Light - Light is called radiant energy. The Earth gets a lot of its energy from the light of the Sun.

Motion - Anything that is moving has energy. This is also called kinetic energy.

Nuclear - Huge amounts of nuclear energy can be generated by splitting atoms.

Potential - Potential energy is energy that is stored. One example of this is a spring that is pressed all the way down. Another example.... View More

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