God through our relationship with others


Topic: God through our relationship with others

SUBTOPIC: Showing hospitality

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to

1 explain the term ‘hospitality’.

2 identify the need for being hospitable.

3 explain why we should be kind to people.

4 give instances in the Bible of people who demonstrated hospitality.

Guide to Bible passages (Luke 10:30; Genesis 18:1-10; Hebrew 13:2; 1Kings 17: 7-16; Matthew 25: 31-46, Leviticus 25: 35; Titus 1:8; Deuteronomy 15: 11; 1Timothy 3:2; and Romans 12:13)



Hospitality means helping and caring for visitors. When we show hospitality, we should do it willingly and with love, because the Bible says that we should practise hospitality without complaining.


The need for hospitality

There are people who might be far from home, or who.... View More

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