Moses before Pharaoh

Week: Seven

Subject: Christian Religious Knowledge

Topic: Moses before Pharaoh

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to


1. Explain how Moses prepared for leadership.

2. Narrate the story of how Moses went before Pharaoh.

3. Identify how Moses ask for the release of his people

Instructional material: Bible pictures, The Holy Bible, and Illustrations.

Reference material: Learn Africa Basic Christian Religious Knowledge UBE edition by Hannah Ishola and other


Moses before Pharaoh

Moses and the burning bush

One day Moses was taking care of the sheep of his father-in-law, Jethro the priest of Midian. When he came to Mount Horeb, an angel appeared to him in the flame of fire out of the bush. Moses noticed that the fire was burning but.... View More

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