
Week: Five

Topic: Animal

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

1. Describe and identify animals in the locality and in the school.

2. Collect harmless animals in the school compound.

3. Make drawings of some animals.

Instructional  material: Charts or pictures of animals, live animals, insects

Reference material: Longman Basic Science and Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun


Animals are living things which means they can perform the characteristics of living things which include reproduction, feeding, movement etc.  Animals cannot produce their own food. They rely either directly or indirectly on the food produced by plants. Animals breathe in oxygen that is produced by plants.

Examples of common animals: are butterflies, cats, cock, donkeys, fish, goats, grasshoppers, houseflies, lizards, parrots, toads etc

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