Reading: Teaching of new word's meaning and

WEEK: Four

TOPIC: Reading: Teaching of new word's meaning and   Comprehension; Writing: How I spent my last holiday;  Dictation: Selected words from the passage read

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Read and comprehend the passage
  2. Write a composition on the topic ‘My Last Holiday
  3. Write a dictation on selected words from the passage

REFERENCE MATERIAL:Macmillan Brilliant Primary English. Book 4




The importance of washing your hands properly is the most effective thing you can do to protect yourself against a number of contagious diseases such as influenza, the common cold, and ebola. Not only will it help keep you healthy, it will also help prevent the spread of contagious diseases to others.

 Even if your hands appear to.... View More

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