Counting up to one Million in ones, tens Hundreds and Thousands.

Week: 2

Topic: Counting up to one Million in ones, tens Hundreds and Thousands

Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

Pupils should be able to:

(i). Write the numeral in 10,000 and 100,000

(ii). Counting in thousands up to 1,000,000

(iii). Identify the place value i.e. M, H.T.H, T.Th, TH, H, T, U

(iv). Counting in millions (M); Hundred thousand (H.Th); Tens of thousands (T.Th), Thousands (Th), Hundred (H), Tens (T) and (U)

Reasoning quantitatively in Counting whole numbers e.g. 6,000,000, 100,000, 10,000

 1,000,  100,  10,  0


Counting up to one Million in ones, tens Hundreds and Thousands

- Writing numerals in 10,000 and 100,000

-Counting in thousands up to 1,000,000

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