Jesus feeds 5000 people

Week: 6

Topic: Jesus feeds 5000 people

Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

Narrate how Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fishes.

Say how a little boy shared what he had.

Reference material: Children’s Bible, Pictures and charts


when Jesus and his disciples were on the other side of Galilee (sea of Tiberias) and a great multitude followed them, when they were hungry and there was nothing to give out, a little boy gave to Jesus what he had, he gave him five loaves of bread and two fish and they lord bless it and it was multiplied by God

After feeding the multitude, Jesus told his disciples to gather up the leftover fragments so that nothing must not be lost and be preserved.

Jesus taught his disciples there not to be wasteful.

God has been.... View More

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