Manipulative Movements, Fundamental Rhythms and Movements, Creative Rhythms and Movements

Lesson 1

Manipulative Movements

Basic Skill of Shooting

Shooting means to kick or throw a ball with force towards or away from a goal post. We can shoot with our legs or hands depending on the game.


Shooting could be done when the ball is in one position or when it is moving. If a person wants to be a good shooter, the skill of shooting must be practised regularly.


Basic Skill of Heading

Heading means hitting a ball with the head to where we want it to go. It is one of the ways of playing soccer. You must look at the coming ball when you want to head it.

The player may have to jump up to meet and head the ball in the air. The skill of heading should be practised regularly if the player wants to be a good header.


Lesson 2

Fundamental Rhythms and Movements

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