Jesus the bread of life3


Class: Primary 3

Topic: Jesus the bread of life

Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

Mention the significance of Jesus as the bread of life

Reference material: textbook and charts


When Jesus was saying I'm the bread the of life, what does he mean:

It means we cannot be satisfied spiritually if we don't have him( Jesus).

We can survive if we don't know him (Jesus).

When Jesus was fasting ( forty days and forty nights) when he wanted to break, the devil came to him and told him that if he his the true son of God he should take a stone and turn it into bread, but Jesus told him man shall not live by bread alone ( the physical one) but by the word of God

he said that because he knew the bread profited not, because the devil was tempting him then

Evaluation: Pupils to:

Explain who.... View More

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