Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 (Basic Five) First Term.
Subject Scheme & Timeline:
Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using.
WEEK 1&2TOPIC: ARTSOBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: State the meaning of arts State the origin of arts Mention the branches of arts
WEEK 3&4TOPIC: CREATING MUSIC AND SOLFA VALUESObjectivesAt the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1 Explain the term ‘Tonic sofa’;2 write values of sol-fa names;3 set words to sulfas notation;4 clap rhythm of the phrase set to music;5 Play the notes on an instrument.
WEEK 5&6TOPIC: DRAWINGObjectivesAt the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1 identifies different types of drawing;2 produce different types of drawings.
WEEK 9& 10TOPIC; MUSIC NOTES AND THEIR VALUESOBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define some terms used in music Mention the musical notes and explain the music notes; Give examples of music notes; Write the values of music notes; T claps the rhythms of the music notes.
WEEK 11&12TOPIC: INTRODUCTION TO WEAVINGObjectivesAt the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1 Define weaving;2 mention types of weaving;3 Weave a mat with strips of paper using plain weave.