A. Speech Work: Debate “A farmer is more Importance than a teacher

Week: Five

Class:Basic 5

Subject: English

Topic: A. Speech Work: Debate “Afarmer is more   Importance than a teacher  B. Structure: Passage based on construction with The past tense, and past perfect tense C. Reading: Teaching of new words meaning Comprehension D. Grammar: Passage based on construction with Prepositional verbs and phrasal verb E. Writing: Composition on “My school” F. Dictation: Selected words from the passage read


A. Speech Work: Debate “A farmer is more Importance than a teacher

Hold a debate in class on the topic: The farmer is more important than a teacher.


1 Listen attentively to your teacher as he explains how to hold the debate.

2 Work in groups. Discuss your ideas with members of your group.

3 The proposers are to prepare.... View More

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