A. Speech Work: Observing and reporting things

Week: Four

Class:Basic 5

Subject: English

Topic: A. Speech Work: Observing and reporting things: Completed action B. Structure: The past tense  C. Reading: Teaching of new word's meaning Comprehension D. Grammar: Use of “when” in long sentences.  E. Writing: debate: Suggest a topic  F. Dictation: Selected words from the passage read


A. Speech Work: Observing and reporting things:  Completed action

Reporting verbs

Learn this: We can report a statement, question, command, thought, etc. We oftenuse 'tell' and 'ask' when we report something, but there are many other verbs that we can use.

Write down these reporting verbs. Learn the meaning of anyone you do not know. Then, write your own sentence using each reporting verb.

1 explain 2 say 3 announce 4 order 5 suggest

6 think 7 replies.... View More

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