A. Speech Work: Oral composition

Week: Seven

Class:Basic 5

Subject: English

Topic: A. Speech Work: Oral composition B. Structure: Linking words:

“Although” “Because” “But”  C. Reading: Teaching of new words meaning and Comprehension D. Grammar: Letter expressing gratitude for gifts, Visits and other favours received E. Writing: Indicating direction F. Dictation: Selected words from the passage read



A conjunction is a linking word. It joins words, phrases, or sentences together.

Use 'and' to link similar things.

Example: Zainab bought a pen. She bought a pencil. Zainab bought a pen and apencil.

Use 'but' to link different things.

Example: Zainab ate some cake. She didn’t eat any ice cream. Zainab ate somecake but she didn’t eat any ice cream. Use 'because' to explain why something happened.

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