A. Speech Work: The past tense: the perceptive Aspect

Week: Eight

Class:Basic 4

Subject: English

Topic: A. Speech Work: The past tense: the perceptive Aspect  B. Structure:Phrasal verb  C. Reading: Teaching of new words meaning and Comprehension D. Grammar: Phrasal verb  E. Writing: Composition “My Environment”  F. Dictation: Selected words from the passage read


Simple past tense of irregular verbs

The simple past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding ‘-ed’ to them: look – looked, walk – walked. However, many common verbs are irregular. They do not form the past tense in the same way: buy – bought, see–saw. All auxiliary verbs (e.g. be, have, do) are irregular.


Write this passage in the past tense.

After a long stay, Nnamdi is preparing to leave when Moremi, because her husband wishes it, begs him to make his visit longer. And now this good queen’s sorrow begins. Nnamdi refuses to stay when Obafemi asks him, but Moremi’s gentle words persuade him to.... View More

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