Mathematics JSS3 Second Term Mid-Term Assessment


Expand the following and choose the correct option:

1. (4a+ 5)(3a +4)

  1. 12a2 + 24a + 20
  2. 12a2 + 24 + 20a
  3. 12a + 24a - 20
  4. 12a2 + 24a – 20


2. (p - 6)(p +4)

  1. P2 + 2p + 24
  2. P2 – 2p – 24
  3. 2P2 – 2p – 24
  4. P2 – 2p + 24


Solve the following using factorization method and choose correct option

3. x2 + 7x + 10

  1. X = -2 or +5
  2. X = 2 or 5
  3. X = 2 or -5
  4. X = -2 or -5


4. x2 - 8x + 15

  1. X =.... View More

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