Attitude to accident victims


Topic: Traffic Regulations

Subtitle: Attitude to accident victims

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

1. Explain what accident victims means

2. Explain what to do in case of an accident or injured victims.

Resources & materials: Basic Civic Education Teacher’s  Guide 4 For Primary Schools. By BJ Obebe, F.J Muazu, H O C Ambassador Brikins, S.O Koledoe.

Teacher’s Activities: Ask the children to explain what ‘accident victims’ means, and guide them.


Attitude to accident victims        

Accident victims are people that get injured or killed when accidents occur on the roads. Some of the injured have their legs or arms broken. Such victims need immediate attention. In case of an accident, injured victims should be rushed to the nearest clinic or hospital after first aid.... View More

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