Phonics I.


Topic: Phonics I

Subtitle: Multi-Syllabic words

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Produce multisyllabic words 2 and 3-syllable words.
  2. Identify 2 and 3-syllable words
  3. Complete 2 and 3-syllable words


Multi-syllabic words

A syllable is a word or part of a word that contains a single vowel sound. When we pronounce a word, we can divide it into one or more syllables. For example, ‘book’ has one syllable, ‘sister’ has two syllables, and ‘e-le-phant’ has three syllables. There are two types of syllables: a stressed syllable and an unstressed syllable.

A stressed syllable is one that is pronounced with greater force than other syllables in the word.

An unstressed syllable is one that is pronounced with less force than other syllables. We can mark stressed syllables with a.... View More

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