Classification based on Uses


Classification based on Uses

Milk (Diary) producers

These are animals that produce milk. An example is cattle. Some animals supply us with milk. Examples are cow and goat

Meat producers

These are animals that are reared to produce meat. Examples are goats, cows and broilers(chickens).

The flesh of some farm animals serves as good meat for man. Examples are cow (beef), goat, fish, sheep and poultry.

Egg producers

Some animals are reared to produce eggs. Examples are chicken(layers) and quail.

Some farm animals supply us with eggs. Examples are the fowl, duck and the goose. The eggs can be eaten cooked or fried. Eggs are also used in baking

Work (beast of burden)

These are used to carry a load. Examples are donkey and ox.

Farm animals that are.... View More

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