Factors that Led to the Fall of the Ancient Mali Empire

Week 10

TOPIC: Factors that Led to the Fall of the Ancient Mali Empire

The ancient Mali Empire was very powerful but after so many years, it began to grow weak until it finally fell around 1600AD. Some of the factors that led to the fall of this empire are:

1. Bad rulership: Some of the rulers were not meeting the needs of the people of the empire. Checks and balances were ignored by some of the later Mansas who tried to adopt absolute control over the empire.

2. Power tussle: There was division in the House of the Mansas over who should control or take over the empire. The right of succession was not properly defined and that led to different factions of the Mansa's families fighting for the throne. This destabilised the whole empire as the noble class and citizens were forced to choose sides.

3. Internal wars: There was disunity and internal wars among some provinces because some provinces began to compete for political power. The major part of.... View More

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