Socio-Political Structure of the Ancient Mali Empire

Week 3 & 4

TOPIC: Socio-Political Structure of the Ancient Mali Empire

The ancient Mali Empire operated a form of constitutional monarchy. It was ruled by a supreme leader who bore the title, Mansa. The empire was very large and had many groups of people with different social status, cultures and languages. After Sundiata Keita conquered the Susu and some other territories, Mali which was formerly comprised of Niani, Mema, Wagadou and twelve other territories called the twelve doors of Mali submitted power to Keita and his descendants because the people admired his military prowess and also feared for their kingdoms.

The administration of the empire was also decentralised. In agreement with Sundiata Keita, each territory retained some of their culture, control, rights and privileges but they all ruled under the authority of the Mansa.

The governors of each territory were referred to as Farin and Ba, with farin meaning northern commander. Therefore, the empire was divided into provinces with each having a governor who reported to the Mansa.

The provinces were required.... View More

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