Dramatization of storytelling

Week: Four

Class: Basic Two

Subject: Cultural and Creative Art

Topic: Dramatization of storytelling

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Identify the dramatic elements in a story;

2. Act the role of a storyteller

Instructional  material: - Illustrations in storybooks, characters in storybooks, cardboard paper etc

Reference material: Learn Africa Cultural and Creative Art for primary schools by B.K Badaru and others


Dramatization of storytelling

Why the tortoise has a bald head

“Story! Story!! The moon is out. It is time for storytelling. Where are my children? It is time for storytelling, come out!” Our grandpa called out to us. We all rushed out from our mother’s huts to sit with our grandpa. He sat under the mango tree in the compound.

Our grandpa’s.... View More

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