whole number 1-200.

Week: one

Topic: whole number 1-200.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to,

  1. Count numbers correctly from 1-200.
  1. Identify and read numbers from 1-200.
  1. Identify order and write numbers up to 200.

Reference material:

  1. Concrete objects such as bottle tops, sticks, small waterproof bags for bundles of seeds/bottle tops, ropes, straw and two hundred square chats.

2. flashcards, sticks, chat of numbers 1-200


TEACHING AID: Concrete objects such as bottle tops, sticks, seeds, small waterproof bags for bundles of seeds/bottle tops, ropes, straws and two hundred square charts etc. Flashcards and Charts of numbers 1-200 etc



STEP1: Stimulate pupils’ interest in the day’s task by the use of set induction.

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