Responsible Parenthood.

Week 5-6

Topic: Responsible Parenthood

Objectives: At the end of the lessons, the pupils should be able to

1 lists various characteristics of responsible parenthood.

2 mention some of the problems of irresponsible parenthood.

3 Identify values that can be developed to avoid irresponsible parenthood.

4 Explain the concepts of STDs and AIDS.

5 mention sources of HIV infection.

6 list the effects of STDs and HIV/AIDS on the family


Characteristics of responsible parenthood regarding marriage

After marriage, the husband and wife are expected to behave well, live responsibly and prepare to be good and responsible parents. Some of the characteristics of responsible parenthood include:

1 Preparing for a new baby: Procreation, or producing babies, is one of the characteristics of marriage. It is the duty of the married couple to prepare well.... View More

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