Tertiary Sources of History

WEEK 7 & 8

TOPIC: Tertiary Sources of History

Meaning of Tertiary Sources of History

Tertiary sources of history can be defined as sources that help in organizing, compiling or understanding primary and secondary sources. They help in repackaging ideas and information from other sources. Tertiary sources of history include students' projects, bulletin dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacks, Wikipedia, bibliographies directories, guidebooks, manuals, handbooks, indexes, abstracts etc.

Examples of Tertiary Sources of History

1. Students' Projects: These are special academic works of research usually carried out by final-year students of higher institutions. Such institutions include Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education and so on. It also includes projects of postgraduate students of Universities.

2. Bulletins: A bulletin can be described as a form of official newsletter issued by a board or an organization regularly. A bulletin may carry new research findings from a team of archaeologists which they want to bring to the knowledge of the society.

3. Memoranda: A memorandum (often written as a memo) has been.... View More

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