
Week:- 6

Topic: Ethnicity

Objective:- At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to explain the meaning of ethnicity and the causes of ethnicity

Reference Material:- Macmillian Civic Education for Primary School book 4


Meaning and causes of ethnicity

Ethnicity means preferring one’s ethnic group to other ethnic groups. It can also be regarded as tribalism.

The enormous size of Nigeria, with its multiethnic groups and cultural diversity. Among the main ethnic groups are the Edo, Fulani, Hausa, Ibibio, Igalla, Igbira, Igbo, Ijaw, Itsekiri, Jukun, Kambari, Nupe, Ogoni, Urhobo, and the Yoruba.

There are many causes of ethnicity in Nigeria. Among these are the following:

1 The feeling that one’s social group or ethnic group.... View More

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