Using toolbars to format a document

Week: Three

Topic: Using toolbars to format a document

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

1. Apply bold, underline and italics to texts

2. Format font types, sizes and colours.

3. Justify text position

4. Apply undo and Redo

Reference material:Learn Africa Basic Agricultural Science UBE edition for primary school pupils 6


Boldening, Italicising and Underlining

To bolden, italicise or underline a letter, word or sentence:

1 Type the sentence

2 Highlight the sentence

3 Locate the letters B, I and U on the toolbar

4 Clicking B boldens, clicking I changes to italics while clicking U underlines.

 Instead of using the mouse, certain keys on the keyboard could be.... View More

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