
Week:  SEVEN

Subject: PHE

Topic: Pathogens


Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Define pathogens
  2. Explain communicable diseases
  3. Give examples of communicable diseases
  4. Explain how it can be prevented.

Instructional material/Reference material: Physical and Health Bk; 6 by A. Ayegbusi, B. Musa, Charts and pictures


Pathogens, diseases and prevention

Communicable diseases e.g. HIV/AIDS measles,

Smallpox, cholera, syphilis, gonorrhoea, etc.

Prevention of communicable diseases.

Communicable diseases

Communicable diseases are infectious illnesses that can be contracted from a person, animal or any other host by another person. They.... View More

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