Government Main services.

Week 4

Topic: Government Main services


Services refer to those things which are officially provided by the government for everyone in a country. The government’s main services include these:

Maintenance of peace and security. The police force is the main agency of government which protects lives and property. The police maintain peace in society.

2 Maintenance of law and order. The government ensures that people obey the laws of the country so that things can work in an orderly way.

3 Justice and equity. The government ensures that people get justice whenever they have a problem. It does this by establishing different courts and employing lawyers and judges. When people have a problem with other people, they can go to court and get a fair judgment.

4 Defense: The government defends the country against its enemies. The armed forces are directly in charge of defence. They protect Nigeria against aggression from other countries. The armed forces.... View More

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