he Benin (Edo) Culture and History (Artefacts)


TOPIC: The Benin (Edo) Culture and History (Artefacts)

One of the greatest empires that flourished in pre-colonial West Africa was the Benin Empire. Her greatness could be measured by the very large number of groups that she influenced politically and socially. At the peak of her achievement in the 17th century, the empire was far-flung, getting to the present Lagos State, Owo, Akure and Ondo in western Nigeria and her influence radiating to as far as Onitsha in the far east. To the north, the empire's influence reached the Kukuruku. Its sheer size is a testimony to the might of her warriors and the administrative acumen of her leaders.

The early people were ruled by the Ogiso kings until the current monarchy was established between the 12th and 13th centuries. Between the 15th and 16th centuries, the kingdom expanded through wars of conquest with their neighbours. A large empire was established with an elaborate political system that had the Oba at the helm of affairs. The Benin developed a sophisticated system of government. The Benin monarch,.... View More

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