Examples of Centralized states in Pre-colonial Nigeria.


Content: Examples of Centralized states in Pre-colonial Nigeria.

i. The Niger Delta city-state

ii. Calabar Kingdom

Niger Delta City-States

Before European Colonisation the Niger Delta area was made up of several city-states. These city-states evolved a centralised political system in which their kings were at the apex of government. Amongst the ljo city-states, their kings were called the Amayanabo while the Efik called their king Obong. The Itsekiri who are also found in the Niger Delta area called their king Olu.

These kings were assisted by a council of chiefs in the everyday governance of their states.

The Calabar Kingdom

A prominent kingdom that emerged from the southeastern part of Nigeria is the Calabar kingdom of the Efik people. They evolved a centralised political system in which the ruler of the kingdom was known as the Obong.

The Obong was assisted in.... View More

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