Igbo-Ukwu culture: The People

Week 4: Historical Sites In Nigeria: Igbo-Ukwu

Content: Igbo-Ukwu culture: The People

Igbo-Ukwu People

Igbo, as a word, was the name of the ancestor of the Igbo-Ukwu people. According to oral tradition, a man called Igbo founded Igbo-Ukwu. He had many children who founded other communities in the southeast. The town is known as the ancestral homeland of the Igbo-Ukwu people who produced these ancient artefacts. Their community leader is referred to as Idu.

Week 5: Historical Sites In Nigeria: Igbo-Ukwu

Content: Igbo-Ukwu culture: Occupational Activities

Occupational Activities

The people of Igbo-Ukwu were about the earliest smiths in West Africa. Apart from bronze art for which they have now become reputed, they also worked on other metals such as iron to produce objects mentioned earlier as well as agricultural tools. They were also traders.

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