Significance of Igbo-Ukwu culture in Nigeria History.

Week 6: Historical Sites In Nigeria: Igbo-Ukwu

Content: Significance of Igbo-Ukwu culture in Nigeria History.

1. The bronzes found in Igbo-Ukwu provide us with the first evidence of the artistic use of copper alloy in the whole of Black Africa. Igbo-Ukwu culture has the largest deposits of bronze objects discovered in the history of Nigeria and Africa. It represents one of the earliest examples of bronze casting in Sub-Saharan Africa.

2. The people were among the earliest groups of West Africans to employ the lost-wax casting techniques in, making bronze sculptures. This is an advanced way of casting bronze.

3. The Igbo-Ukwu objects are beautiful with unique designs. The surface decoration of objects showed the creative genius of the Igbo artisans. Some have described the objects as the best that were ever produced in the world.

4. There were trade relations with foreigners. Some of the beads found in the excavation sites indicate that the Igbo-Ukwu people had trade interactions and other relationships with groups that were not their immediate neighbours.

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