Factors that Led to the Rise of the Ancient Songhai Empire (Geographical Factors & Commercial Factors)

Week 6:

Factors that Led to the Rise of the Ancient Songhai Empire (Geographical Factors & Commercial Factors)

The Songhai people took over from the fallen Mali Empire and became the largest empire in Western Africa. The people, under competent leaders, pulled manpower and resources together to make a name and establish a great empire. The empire had good roads, social amenities, and beautifully designed buildings such as mosques, schools, royal palaces, etc. The empire also had educational centres, safe trade routes, markets and a thriving economy. Factors that led to the rise of the empire include:

(i) The fall of the ancient Mali Empire: Songhai people were originally part of the Mali Empire and they paid taxes to the mansas like any other people under the Mali Empire. As the Mali Empire was faced with internal and external battles, their hold on vassal states became weaker and many declared their autonomy. The Songhai people saw this as an opportunity to declare their total freedom and they stopped paying taxes and tributes to Mali Empire. Then Songhai rulers went on.... View More

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