Origin and Location of the Ancient Songhai Empire


Week 1: Origin and Location of the Ancient Songhai Empire

The Songhai people made up the Songhai Empire and they were originally part of the ancient Mali Empire. The Songhai were people from different tribes who united and lived in Songhai, settling along the eastern side of the Niger River Bend. They were majorly hunters, fishers, farmers and traders. Gao was the trade and capital city of the ancient Songhai empire.

The Sorko. Gow and Do tribes were among the early settlers around the Gao region until the 9th century, when Songhai horsemen came to the Niger River Bend and over time, became the predominant tribe in the area. The four tribes and some other people became the residents of ancient Gao and they united to make up the Songhai people speaking Songhai as a language.

When the ancient Mali Empire began to lose its political power and decline, the Songhai people in Gao City were rising in political and socio-economic power. During the.... View More

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