Factors that Led to the Rise of the Ancient Songhai Empire (Political Factors & the Role of Islam) 2

Week 7 & 8:

Factors that Led to the Rise of the Ancient Songhai Empire (Political Factors & the Role of Islam)

(i) Good leadership: The Songhai people succeeded in establishing a dynasty because they had a good government. The rulers knew what they needed to make a strong and lasting empire and they persevered to achieve their goals. Their rulers were sound military commanders who conquered trading cities such as Timbuktu and Djenne. They made policies that boosted their trade activities and economy. Sunni Ali and Muhammed Ture I were examples of good leaders who took action to expand their land and create a lasting medieval civilisation in ancient western Africa.

(ii) The Songhai army: The Songhai Empire had a disciplined and professional army which included infantry, cavalry and navy. They conquered city-states, expanded the land and secured the people from invaders. The army was so large that they were divided into two. A part was stationed in Gao and the other in Timbuktu. The army provided security for traders travelling to and from distant territories. They.... View More

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