Socio-Political Structure of the Ancient Songhai Empire (CONT.)

Week 3: Socio-Political Structure of the Ancient Songhai Empire

ii. Askiya Muhammad the Great (AD 1493-1528)

His achievements: Expansion of the empire

Government of the empire

Central government

Regional Administration

Justice system based on Sharia law

Muhammad Ture I, who was one of the Sunni Alis commanders and governors, became the ruler of the ancient Songhai Empire and under his rule, Islam became the religion of the Songhai Empire. He proved to be a very competent leader as the Songhai Empire further expanded beyond the Middle Niger to the Inland Delta waterways.

He also conquered former Mali territories, bringing them under his rule. Hence, more lands paid tributes and there was economic growth because Muhammad Ture I adopted an effective taxation and revenue method. Furthermore, he appointed a finance and business director to oversee trade affairs. Currencies, weights and measurements were officially unified and standardised.

While the empire grew, the armed forces also increased and Muhammad Ture I.... View More

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