Health benefits of a simple jump


TOPIC: Health benefits of a simple jump

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, Pupils should be able to:

1. State the health benefits of simple jumps

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Pictures, role play etc.

RESOURCES AND MATERIALS: online materials, PHE book 1


The benefit of a simple jump

Stabilize your nervous system and release serotonin which combat depression and lower stress levels like yoga and deep breathing.

  1. Reduce body fats which are highly beneficial to diabetes.
  2. Provides an aerobic effect for your heart.
  1. You can achieve oxygen therapy by giving your body an increase in the capacity of breathing and circulate more oxygen.
  1. Prevent cardiovascular diseases by normalizing blood pressure.
  1. Increase activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood.... View More

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